Ausstellung "Wetter, Klima, Mensch"


In the weather park on the almost 700 meter high White Stone in the Eifel, there are insights into the weather, climate and people. In the exhibition hall you can find out how various weather phenomena such as thunderstorms or hurricanes arise. In the outdoor area, for example, over 30 boards explain the functions of the weather station and its instruments, there is a microclimate path and you can test for yourself how you perceive temperatures. In the phenological garden and on our clocks you can follow the development of the plants this year and in the farmer's rule garden we explain the most important farmer's rules and their hit rates.

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Opening hours

  • From April 12th to April 12th
    00:00 - 23:59

    00:00 - 23:59



Am Weißer Stein 29
53940 Hellenthal
Phone: (0049) 228 9767971

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