

In the "Mechernich Forest", which extends from the eastern city limits of Mechernich to Satzvey, the Katzensteine rise on the border with the Veybachaue near Katzvey.

The striking rock formation made of red sandstone natural rocks comes from a mighty river deposit that covered the entire Eifel approx. 220 million years ago. Over the course of millions of years, processes of uplift and subsidence in the earth's crust as well as rain, wind and frost have contributed to the current appearance. The resulting overhanging rocky areas offered natural protection from adverse weather conditions.

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Opening hours

  • From February 11th to December 31st
    00:00 - 23:59

    00:00 - 23:59

    00:00 - 23:59

    00:00 - 23:59

    00:00 - 23:59

    00:00 - 23:59

    00:00 - 23:59




Wanderparkplatz Katzensteine
53894 Mechernich-Katzvey

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Blick auf die Urfttalperrre im Nationalpark Eifel, © Eifel Tourismus GmbH, Dennis Stratmann-finanziert durch REACT-EU


The Urft Dam is the oldest valley dam in the Eifel and is located in the middle of the Eifel National Park. At the time, the dam was planned as the largest structure in Europe. Construction of the 266 m long wall made of quarry stones began in 1899 - in May 1905 the dam was filled with water for the first time. In addition to flood protection and energy generation, the aim of the hydraulic engineering measure was to supply the region with drinking water. With a length of 12 km, a width of up to 1 km and a maximum depth of 52 m, Lake Urft has a capacity of 45.5 million cubic metres. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)